First off, I love your website! The Name That Trauma section is one of my favorites to browse in my down time. I was an easily traumatized child and searching the depths of the internet for the culprits of my fears has been a long term hobby. However, there's one vague memory I have of what I believe to be an episode of a TV show (possibly even a show for kids or teens? Disney channel? I swear the intent wasn't to scare) in which a giant insect, I think it was a bee, is roaming the halls of a high school.
Here's where my memory gets hazy and weird. I believe it's possible this trauma was truly a dream because I've never found anything online that sounds remotely like what I remember watching. In my memory, the insect was possibly a human who found the head of a costume (or school mascot?) of the bee/insect thrown in a trash can. When they picked it up and put it on, they became the insect and started to fly around the halls. I think the cause of the whole situation and center of the episode was a science experiment gone wrong.
That's it. That's all I remember. It deeply bothered me as a child. I always hated bodily transformations as well as costumes/masks changing people, so it really affected me. If anyone has an idea of what this could be, let me know. Even if it's only slightly similar to my memory. I suppose it's possible the giant insect was not a human to begin with, and that I'm combining multiple traumas in my head. Again, it's hazy and could have been a dream, but I've been searching for this for years. For time period reference, I'm 20 now and I want to say I was between 5 and 10 when I saw this.
Thanks for your help,
Emma D.

Hello! I am the original submmitor of this trauma! I am commenting some new details I have gotten from my sister who says she remembers seeing this, too. So no it was not a dream, which gives me hope someone will find it.
So my sister has corrected me that it was in fact a man with the head and hands of a FLY, not a bee. She doesn't remember how he became one though. It was in a school and the fly man was infatuated with a woman (most likely a teacher) who he flew down a hallway to and embraced, despite her being very frightened. My sister says she turned the tv off at this point because we were both too afraid to keep watching.
Oh, one more detail. My sister believes this was on an anthology horror/scifi tv show. But she can't remember if it was one for kids like goosebumps or one for adults.