Hey y'all!
My boyfriend has been asking me what movie this is and I just can't figure it out. He says in it a guy is hooked up to a bunch of tubes and makes another guy drink some of the stuff from one of the tubes. My boyfriend thinks it was one of the House movies, but I haven't seen any of them in so many years that I can't remember. Can anyone verify what movie this is for me?
Thanks a bunch!
UNK SEZ: This sounds familiar but I'm stumped! Maybe one of our knowledgeable readers can help! Big thanks to TOM BURMAN's 's MEET THE HOLLOWHEADS for providing today's bumper graphics!

I've never seen or heard of your movie but maybe 2006 Gag?
GAG (2006) – Official Trailer
I'm pretty sure it's House IV that he's talking about. One of the shady mafia types in that movie was attached to tubes,and I recall some gooey stuff coming out of him at one point.
I could be wrong though.
Thanks Chainman and Lottie!
House 4 is on Youtube so I'm gonna watch it and try to find the scene!
I think Lottie has this one.
Finally watched (most of) this last night! Around 56 minutes in, a guy extracts some goo via tube from his neck and then his henchmen force another guy to drink it.
If you've never seen HOUSE 4 the video above is the best way in the states where it has only been available on VHS. Not a good movie but semi- worth it for the 'pizza man" scene.
I immediately thought of Dr. Giggles, but that's probably not it.