I remember seeing a movie when I was a kid, possibly from the early-to-mid '80s, and there's only one scene I remember. In it, a man finds his childhood teddy bear. He decides to do what any normal person would do, and takes a nap with said bear. While he is sleeping, the bear grows either claws or fangs (it's been a long time so I'm not sure which) and kills him.
It had quite the effect on me, even to this day. I've been trying for quite some time now to figure out what this movie is and I'm not having any luck.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much!!
— Amy

I was just thinking about an amazing movie called, "The Pit". In it a teenager's teddy bear tells him to lure people to a hole that has creatures in it that feed on whoever falls down into it. I don't think the bear ends up killing the kid though.
The movie Dolls has a fantasy sequence with a little girls teddy bear that grows large and slaughters her awful father and wicked stepmother.
Correct or not, You guys just mentioned two of my favorite movies. That fantasy sequence at the beginning of "Dolls" is the best thing ever. There is a great commentary on the "Dolls" DVD by the way, very funny.
For some reason I had a hunch that this traumafession might be from a TV show but all I could find was this….which CAN'T be it…. but is pretty awesome all the same….
Here is the Teddy Bear scene from "Dolls"…
Just a couple nights ago I watched BLOODBATH AT THE HOUSE OF DEATH, and it has s scene very much like this; a man lies down with a teddy bear, it's eyes move, then it jumps him.
Thanks Craig!
I think "Bloodbath at the house of Death" just jumped to the top of my must see list…
Not an exact match, but could it be Tales from the Dark Side episode "Ursa Minor"… about a teddy bear that comes to life and attacks? The episode is on YouTube…
Thanks Bro Bill! Here is Ursa Minor…
I found TWO other people looking for the same movie over at "Best Horror movie.com" while searching for this film!
From "Best Horror Movies.com"…….
"I've been discussing horror movies with friend and we came across a film we couldn't remember the title of where people come from outer space to take over the inhabitants of a house.
In one scene a teddy bear lying on the bed next to a man or woman rises with two knives protruding from its paws, and kills them.
Everyone in the movie is basically copied and killed in a strange fashion.
Any help with this old movie query is appreciated."
and then another person…
"I saw this movie when I was a kid, back in the 80's… it could be from the late 70's as well. I can remember certain parts, I remember two people ending up at this house or hotel with some big Asian butler or chef, they find a cake or pie looking thing and set it on the table then they leave the room and it starts glowing and breathing.
Another scene is where a guy is laying on the bed with a teddy bear and then a spike or knife pops out of the teddy bears paw and stabs the guy. Also it seemed everyone that was taken over had a pentagram on the palm of their hand!!"
I thought of Dolls when I read this, but it's not quite right… and then I thought of the Pit, cuz I love to think of the Pit. I wonder what movie it is?
Since we're on the subject of awesome killer bears, it's not supernatural, but Girls Nite Out is the best Teddy Bear Slasher ever!
I have another Teddy Bear movie to ad to the list. The very Strange "Bloody Wednesday" from 1987 has got a crazy psycho in it whose Teddy bear talks to him.
It's kinda violent….
Here's another killer teddy bear scene:
From Night Terror (1989).
thanks so much everybody! You've definitely helped me get closer to my answer. It helps to know I'm not the only one who remembers this. I'll be checking out your suggestions soon!
This had been bugging me for many years. When little I remembered seeing a scary movie, all I could remember was a guy laying down next to a teddy bear that comes alive and attacks him, then at the end either the house or a ship takes off and leaves behind a rainbow.
Thanks to Craig I have now learned it is “Bloodbath at the house of Deathâ€