I'm trying to track down the title of an old black & white suspense/thriller movie set in England in the 1940s or '50s I saw on T.V. that included a killer who disposes of a (woman's?) body by disguising it as a Guy Fawkes effigy and then putting it on one of the public bonfires on Guy Fawkes night.
It kind of had the air of some of the ALFRED HITCHCOCK shows, but I couldn't find it in a list of his T.V. episodes?
Any thoughts?
— Chas

This sounds like The Magician, with Vincent Price. The bonfire scene is at a college pep rally. The disguised body is thrown on the fire, but I think it was dressed as mascot of the rival school.
I believe this is "Hangover Square". Laird Creegar knows not what he do when he disposes the manipulative Linda Darnell in the scene you describe, tossing her masked body onto the pyre on Guy Fawkes Day.
"Hangover Square" seconded. Just watched it a few weeks ago. Poor Laird Cregar.
Here's the scene in question:
Prop & WB – I think you guys got it- I was severely stumped.
Algee- Now I want to see "The Magician" too! How have I missed that one?