I've run this one by the folks at IMDb a while back and I don't think they came up with the correct answer. This is probably the best spot to solve it because I THINK it might be a made-for-TV movie, and you guys are so good at solving those.
Back in the early '80s there was something that played on TV that I was only able to catch a small bit of. We were at my grandparents and they only had antennae TV here in Canada, so it couldn't have been too avant garde. It also played within a fairly early time bracket (late afternoon or early evening) so that's what makes me think it was possibly a replay of a made-for-TV movie movie.
Anyway, there was a scene where two men are digging up a grave with a lady in it. They were interested in taking the ring she had on her finger. As they're doing so, she wakes up, there's a REALLY awkward moment shared among them, and then one of the men slams a pic-ax (or something) into her chest. I was so young and the recollection is so foggy, but it seems to me that she was wearing a gold turban or dress. I also remember my grandmother commenting on how good she looked considering she'd been buried in a grave, so she wasn't a rotted corpse. I also don't think she had any fangs because I never once thought she was a vampire (but it sure sounds like vampire stuff).
Any help on this one?

That sounds like a scene from Return of the Living Dead Part 2.
I'm probably wrong, though. lol
I've tried googling up the key words involving grave robbing, women, and pick axe, best I've got is this list –
And lots of stuff about Burke & Hare plus some new comedy movie Simon Pegg is doing where he plays one of those two. (How the heck do you make a comedy about grave robbers turned murderers?)
Kinda sounds like Hammer's BLOOD FROM THE MUMMY'S TOMB.
Or maybe a different adaptation of Stoker's "The Jewel of Seven Stars"?
So far BLOOD FROM THE MUMMY'S TOMB might be the closest guest; I'll have to check it out and see. I was thinking it may have been a MFTV movie or episode of a forgotten TV show.