I have a Name That Trauma for you… I hope I can provide enough details for you or a reader to recognize it. I must have been about 5 or 6, which would make it roughly 1970-71.
I was up late one night watching television, it would probably have been BBC1 or BBC2, when a film from the silent era came on. The abiding memory I have is of an old hag-like woman who lived underground, perhaps in the subway system, who would climb out from the manhole covers in the street and drag her victims below to her cavernous lair.
I have a suspicion it may have been a French movie, but I could be wrong. All I know is it frightened the life out of me, and I had nightmares about it for a long time after. I know this is very little to go on, but I do hope someone out there can help identify my personal trauma.
Thank you.

I don't have the answer but this is the scariest sounding "Name That Trauma!" that I have ever heard.
My older brother used to always tell me and my younger brother about the old hag who lived in the sewer pipes.
I fed what you remember into Google and sadly the closest I've found it a movie from 1972 – a year too late – called Death Line AKA Raw Meat.
Closest I've gotten. Sorry.
could it be carl dryers Vampyr? The old hag and underground lair seem to fit. It's on You tube.
Inland Empire?