I have a memory of a horror movie involving a Samurai ghost and possibly evil crabs that carry the ghost's spirits into the house? I can also remember a female being possessed by the spirit and holding a Samurai sword against the male protagonist. I have tried searching the interwebs high and low and still have no trace of this movie. Did I just imagine it? Did I read too many ERIC VAN LUSTBADER books in my youth? I appreciate the help!
UNK SEZ: Erczilla, I really hope the movie you are talking about is 1982's THE HOUSE WHERE EVIL DWELLS otherwise that means there is more than one horror movie out there that features both Samurai ghosts and pesky killer crabs! HOUSE starred EDWARD ALBERT, SUSAN GEORGE and the one and only TROY, I mean, DOUG McCLURE and it was directed by McGLURE's frequent collaborator KEVIN CONNER. I was never a big fan of this one but as I recall, there was a pretty good decapitation in it and at some point a ghost face had the nerve to appear in a bowl of soup!

UPDATE: NAME THAT TRAUMA SOLVED! Erczilla wrote in to say:
You hit the nail on the head with THE HOUSE WHERE EVIL DWELLS. I have been looking for the title of that movie for years. Thanks so much!
Hey guys, I haven't seen the flick, but since it does involve a ghostly samurai and is *not* THE HOUSE WHERE EVIL DWELLS, thought I'd throw it out there as a possibility:
BLOOD BEAT http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088822/
I heard about it through Bleeding Skull's write-up here:
So there are at least 2 possibilities!
I meant Bleeding Skull's write up HERE:
Naturally. :S
Edward Albert is ROCKING that porn-stache!
Vicar, is Bleeding Skull not one of the greatest horror review websites ever?!? I am addicted to it!
I have fond memories with the House Where Evil Dwells, but it just didn't hold up. Still, I have a nice little vhs copy of it… you know… cuz I'm a sucker…
Amanda–yes, Bleeding Skull has always been and continues to be one of my favorite sites. I think the only time I'm not subconsciously ripping him off is when I'm *consciously* doing so.
I'm kidding, BS. Don't sue me.
He hasn't updated in a long time though…still ,what a treasure trove in the archives.