Hi! I have very, very vague memories of this one movie me and my brothers got from the library once. It didn't necessarily scare me, but I really want to know what it was called, because the plot was pretty interesting.
It centered around a few friends trick-or-treating on Halloween night. I think they were all dressed up as standard, classic monsters,for example one was a witch (the only one I remember), and this creepy mythical old guy comes and takes them through time(?) to show them the history of the monsters they're dressed up as. I know that he takes them to see the Salem witch trials. I also remember weird details like the girl dressed as a witch tapes a broom to her bike as part of her costume in the beginning of the movie. Part of me is wondering if I just imagined it?
UNK SEZ: Thanks Gus! That must be an adaptation of RAY BRADBURY's THE HALLOWEEN TREE! The presence of the witch makes me think it has to be the 1993 animated version! Check out the video below, I spy that broom on a bike you mentioned, and check out an earlier traumafession HERE!
Let's remember that the old guy was Moundshroud, voiced by Leonard Nemoy. I used to love this film. Still have my VHS copy.
That image used at the top, I remember it from the book. I used to have it when I was younger, nice illustrations in that book as I recall.
Thanks for posting the video, I've never seen it. Looks pretty loyal to the story, I'll check it out this weekend.