I saw your site, it's great!
I am looking for a classic horror movie that I saw 10 years ago but I don't know its name; I hope you can help me.
I remember that it's about a man who lives with his mother who brought girls to his home and killed them with aid of his mother. For example, he killed a girl in a bathtub then cut up her body and put the pieces in a plastic bag. I remember that at the end of the film he killed his mother.
Please, if you have seen this movie, give me the name.
Thank you so much.
UNK SEZ:: LoLo, as soon as you said "bathtub" I thought immediately of CURTIS HARINGTON's THE KILLING KIND from 1973. It's got both a killer (JOHN SAVAGE) and a very lenient mom (ANNE SOTHERN) too. I think it may be the one! Let us know! By the way, if I'm right that was CINDY WILLIAMS of LAVERNE & SHIRLEY who found her end in that bathtub!
UPDATE: Actually, Reader Craig is correct on this one… the movie LoLo was looking for is actually BEYOND THE DARKNESS (aka BURIED ALIVE and BLUE OMEGA.)
Terry loved soft, furry, little animals.
He loved his mother.
He loved pretty girls.
All dead!
And WarpedRecord loves Unkle Lancifer.
I've seen THE KILLING KIND, but the scene described really sounds like that Joe D'amato movie BEYOND THE DARKNESS (aka BURIED ALIVE and BLUE OMEGA). There's a very unforgettable scene where he cuts a girl up in the tub with his mother watching and helping. Could this be it?
Rats! I was wrong! Good job Craig and I actually own a copy of Beyond the Darkness! I must watch too much Laverne and Shirley.
Warped, long time no see. You are loved right back!
It happens to the best of us. I saw Cindy Williams in a local production of MOON OVER BUFFALO last summer and snuck a copy of THE FIRST NUDIE MUSICAL in with me, hoping she'd sign it, but I suddenly didn't have the nerve to ask her.
Killing Kind also has a connection to one of my pet favorite movies "The Attic" as the two main characters from that movie appear in TKK as sort of sketches played by two different actors. I'm going to review "The Attic" soon.
Craig, you rule forever for going to see Cindy Williams in a play even if you didn't get a signed copy of TFNM!