Great site! I grew up being fascinated by horror flicks – when my parents would take me to the movie rental store, rather than heading for the "kiddie" movies, I'd head right for the STEPHEN KING and gore. With all those years of scaring myself to tears, it's a wonder I cannot figure out where this particular scene came from:
There is a vampire of some sort, floating in a cloud-like mist, next to a boy's bedroom. Now before you say this is SALEM'S LOT, I can assure you that this boy did NOT open the window to let the vampire in. Rather, he broke a cross off of a (Lego) set that was near the window and used it to try to ward off the vampire.
Where in the world did this come from?
I have another scene in my head, which I thought was from the movie MR. BOOGEDY, but maybe it's not. I thought it was from that movie because I seem to remember a sort of "Boogie man" (who maybe had a hole in the side of his head?), standing in a family's living room, shooting some sort of powers out of his hands and making things go berserk – one thing in particular was, he made a vacuum cleaner "blow up" like a balloon and float to the ceiling, with the little boy holding onto it, not being able to get down.
Any ideas on this one?
UNK SEZ: A Lego crucifix you say? I don't recall seeing that in a movie, but it's a great tip none the less. Maybe one of readers can recall such a thing. As for the second film you mentioned, I think you actually ARE thinking of MR. BOOGEDY, there is a vacuum present in that movie's last scene (MR. B. ends up sucked inside it) and a kid does float to the ceiling at one point and has to be yanked down. It doesn't look to me that it is the vacuum cleaner that begins to levitate, but check out the climax of MR. BOOGEDY below and see if it looks at all familiar:
If anyone knows the answer to the first one, please leave a comment or shoot us an e-mail.
I don't recall a Lego cross used on a vampire. There was another scene in "Salem's Lot" where Lance 's character is awakened by the floating vampire outside his window. Lance almost opened it BUT he reached for some horror movie grave yard model that was on a nearby desk. He broke a cross off of it and he used it to ward off the vampire.
Sorry about the crappy quality.
It has to be Salem's Lot. Like FatherofTears, I remember the scene where Kerwin's character takes a play cross from his model to ward off his childhood friend floating outside his window.
I found a better, non English, version: