Okay….I saw this one back in the early to mid ‘80s. It was either on HBO or Cinemax and it was a short film. This guy is sitting in an office; I'm assuming that he is some kind of filmmaker as there is a reel of film on his desk. The reel begins unspooling and chasing the man, kind of like THE BLOB only made of movie film. He gets himself locked into a closet where he finds a magnet and as the film tries to get into the room, he sticks the magnet on it and it shies away. Eventually is gets in and wraps the man completely from head to toe in the film. He flails about for a bit and is devoured by the film, ala THE BLOB. At the very end we see the film spooling itself back onto the reel and that's the end. I've been trying to find out what this is for years but to no avail. Please Unk, you are my only hope.
UPDATE: NAME THAT TRAUMA SOLVED! The flesh-eating film is featured in the 1975 short RECORDED LIVE. Special thanks to Reader Eric Harvey for solving it.
It's called RECORDED LIVE (1975) and was written and directed by TREMORS scribe S.S. Wilson. It's actually available as an extra on the Wilson-directed TREMORS 4: THE LEGEND BEGINS DVD release.Â