OK, I'm a newby on your site, but I have a Name that Trauma. I don't have very much info. to go on, and I have searched for a long time for this movie. I thought I would see if any of you can offer any help on this one.
The movie is one of the infamous "Crawling Hand" movies. I was pretty young when I saw this movie on a hotel room T.V. while we were vacationing, must be late '70s, to very early '80s when I saw it, but what I remember was – it had an Egyptian feel to it. I remember the hand had a large ring on one finger, possibly with a large ruby setting. I remember it crawling across the floor, I guess going after someone, with the usual finger crawl bad effects you see in these movies. Seems like it would be a HAMMER or AMICUS-style movie to me nowadays, but not any that I have found as of yet.
I know it is not much to go on and they have done a ton of these type movies, after all, what's worse than crawling body parts? I have searched the web for crawling hand movie lists, and have actively sought the ones out that sound promising.
Well that's about it folks. Any more ideas would be appreciated.
— RedDevil

I think you're looking at 1971's "Blood from the Mummy's Tomb" from the good folks at Hammer – http://www.wrongsideoftheart.com/wp-content/gallery/stills/blood_from_mummys_tomb_01.jpg
If it isn't Blood from the Mummy's Tomb' the one thing that immediately springs to mind is the Doctor Who Story 'Hand of Fear', a Tom Baker story (Sarah Jane's Last) and featured a hand crawling for about an episode, pics here http://drwhotht04.my3gb.com/4n/d4-4n-003.jpg
It might also be "And Now the Screaming Starts" from 1971 or thereabouts.
Final Exam
Nevermind, I was just looking at the pics….sorry. Carry on.
I'm suprised no one has mentioned DEMONOID. It came out at that exact time period (late 70's). It's set in Egypt and has a crawling hand. It's never been released on DVD so maybe that's why you havn't been able to locate it yet. Just a guess here.
I appreciate any ideas you can throw my way. I have And now the screaming starts, I have blood from the mummy's tomb, i was really excited about demonoid when i first heard of it, but alas, it's not the one. i have that one also. supposedly a thriller episode with a crawling hand called terror in teakwood, i just havent gotten my hands on that series as of yet. others i have tried are Dr terrors HOH, The hand, Idle Hands, The crawling hand, The mummy hand, The Devils Hand, The world beyond, Mud Man, Hands of Orlock, and severed ties, i have search this one out for a while, maybe a childhood dream or something. another terror for me as a youth was Shockwaves. i love that film. any other ideas would be greatly appreciated. thanks RedDevil
Most definitely "Blood from the Mummy's Tomb"
Google the title and go to the pictures page – one severed hand with a big ring – AND the gorgeous Valerie Leon to boot!