Hi, I love your site. Here's one I don't know the title of:
I remember this as a horror anthology that was shown on ELVIRA's TV show in the mid 80s, but I checked a list of the films she played and it did not match any of those. The part I remember was about a strict schoolteacher who is mean to her students. Eventually the children attack her in her home. I think they were wearing Halloween masks, which may have been removed to reveal actual facial deformities.
This scared the crap out of me as a kid, and I've never seen it mentioned in discussions about horror anthology films. Maybe you can help.
UNK SEZ:: So there I was grabbing my magnifying glass and galoshes, prepping up to sleuth the Googles when I get another email from Ryan saying:
Actually I just found it. It was a segment of the film HOUSE OF THE DEAD, and was indeed shown on ELVIRA.
UNK SEZ: So Ryan solved his own "Name That Trauma" and I got to learn about a movie I never heard of. Thanks Ryan, I'm always interested to hear about any horror movies that I may have missed especially if they happen to be an anthology. HOUSE OF THE DEAD aka ALIEN ZONE is from 1978 and any interested folks can watch it HERE.

The second part of this anthology totally messed me up as a child. It's about a guy that's into filming his dates as he kills them. He kills one of them by asking her to take off her panty hoes for use in a magic trick then uses them to strangle her.  This really shouldn't have been on Saturday afternoon Creature Double Feature.
I finally found this on DVD in a public-domain extravaganza of horror movies called 50 CHIILING CLASSICS. I bought it solely for this movie, and solely for the trick-or-treaters episode. It haunted me the same way since seeing it hosted by Elvira on late-night TV. It still makes no sense, really, but works in an unexplainable way. And what a great poster compliments of Kindertrauma!
Man, I knew I'd seen this somewhere! Reading the Ryan's description, I was thinking it had been a segment in Screams of a Winter Night…When that turned out to be wrong and the title "House of the Dead" was unfamiliar to me, I was really baffled. But Craig's response reminded me…I have seen House of the Dead, in that "50 Chilling Horror Classics" boxset! Imagine that, forgetting having seen one of those "classics".
Never heard of this one before. This afternoon I had time to kill so I w3ent on YOU TUBE and watched it. I didnt think it was too hot as a whole but I must admit as the day went on I kept thinking about those 'kids' in masks! Everytime I had to go in the basement to do laundry I was sure one of them was gonna pop out behind me making those weird 'alien zone' noises!
I saw this for the first time when it ran on Elvira. Her comment during the climax still makes me laugh to this day. "You kids are supposed to chew those Chiclets, not suck on 'em". Â
And you know, it did look like a bunch of half sucked Chiclets in those kid maws.