Hey I just discovered this site and it is awesome!
I've got a Name That Trauma I need help with. It's a movie I saw playing in a video store when I was very young, maybe 6 or 7, which would have been circa 1985. All I remember is the one scene I saw.
It was outside at night, and there is a white van parked on the street or maybe at some kind of gas station. There is some kind of alien monster covered in blood, but it's pretty small. In retrospect it kind of reminded me of a chestburster from ALIEN. Anyway, it looks like maybe the monster/alien is going to escape without being seen, but the woman driving the van accidentally runs it over. I think also this may have been the end of the movie, I recall seeing the credits, but I could be wrong.
I've got to know what this movie is. Somebody help!
UPDATE: NAME THAT TRAUMA SOLVED! Extra big thanks to reader newnathandetroits for nailing it with ALIEN PREDATOR.
For some reason, I keep thinking "It's Alive".
Alien Predator…seen it called The Falling, as well.
I don't believe it! You got it, man! After extensive research on the web, I found the BBC comparison between the cut and uncut footage of "Alien Predator" with pics, and that's the one! I remember the gas station attendant with his face busted open and everything.
I still swear it was a white van and not an RV, though.