This unknown film left me weak with horror and unable to look at the chimpanzee issue from my Zoobooks subscription for years!!! I had to have been in grade school, so this movie would have been around during the late ‘70s to mid ‘80s. Here's the story:
I was waiting in the entryway of my friend's house while she was getting ready to come and play outside. Her two older brothers (teenagers) were watching a movie in the living room and I could see it from where I was waiting. It was about some crazy lady and her sister who watched after her. They had a grown chimp they kept as a pet.
At one point the crazy lady locks herself in the cage with the chimp and proceeds to beat it to a bloody death with a long chain. The chimp is trying to helplessly defend itself and doesn't attack the nutjob. The whole time the other sister is locked outside the chimp's cage screaming and crying for her sister to stop.
I remember being so disturbed I ran out of there and went straight home. It depressed and horrified me for weeks! I have had no luck in finding out the name or details of this movie, Google and YouTube have no answers, so maybe you can track this film down.
I really want to know if the crazy lady ever got her comeuppance!
— Shannon H.
UNK SEZ: Shannon, you have sent in my favorite type of NTT because I think know the answer and the movie in question is so unusual that I almost have to be right. You my friend, must be speaking of 1978's THE MAFU CAGE (aka DEVIATION & DON'T RING THE DOORBELL) which stars CAROL KANE (WHEN A STRANGER CALLS) as one sister, LEE GRANT (DAMIEN OMEN II) as the other and BUDAR the ape as Mafu! Once upon a time this oddity was difficult to track down but these days it's available on DVD and you can even rent it to watch on your computer via Amazon HERE! In the meantime let us all take a moment to enjoy CAROL KANE boogying down with the priest from AMITYVILLE 2!

Wow – that's a great clip! I want a hammock in my house now!
I want Carol Kane in my house!
I want Lee Grant to get out of my house…Now!
That's it! That's it!!!!! Now I just have to gear myself up to watch it. Thanks!
Oh! I love this movie… it's one of those odd things that the 70s were full of and seems so much rarer nowadays.
I probably only picked it up to watch initially because Carol Kane was in it.