I remember a show on TV: Possibly mid-70's? Made for TV? CBS?
Anyway, the only scene I remember was a father, under the delusion that God told him to sacrifice his son old-book style. The father held the wriggling tyke shouting verse, he might have had a knife or scissors and a frantic wife was trying to stop him. I was pretty young trying to process the whole drama; why would a Daddy try to kill his son? Years later I would do things that would bring me to near death by my father, but it had nothing to do with divine machinations!

I't can't be the ending of THE OMEN can it? That just sprung in my head but I'd guess you'd recognize that one Tomb!
OOPs I should have written NOT THE OMEN!!
This was more a melodramatic film than a horror; still that scene was pretty intense!
Could it have been Frailty? It's been a long time since I've seen it,but it sounds likely.
I know it doesn't fit the era given,but everything else sounds right.
Not Frailty. This was a made-for-TV movie. This was made when mental issues were still kind of hush-hush. More like, "The Death Of Ritchie", meets "Sybil".
I wish there was a database strictly for mftv movies!
Maybe this will help