Hi! Remember me from the Celebrity Deathmatch post about the hamster in acid? I've got another one that reared its ugly head this morning.
What I remember from this one is a scene- it was definitely a religious-horror film, as it took place in a church. The scene in question was very red. I don't know if it was the carpeting and walls of the church being a burgundy color or if it was blood from the offending scene- I can remember I may have been around 10 to 13 years old, putting the year at 2000-2003. The scene itself was a long-haired woman vomiting blood and large chunks that may have been organs- they were very meaty looking. Another thing I recall was the appearance of the church basement- it was blue and had many thick spider webs.
I'm obviously very different than I was when I was 10, and am very into religious-horror flicks, and would like to rematch this rather disgusting gem, so if anyone could recognize what movie this is, thanks a billion!

All I could think of was THE GATES OF HELL but that scene I guess takes place in a car.
I get the feeling it's probably a more recent movie than that though…
Could it be The Witches of Eastwick? There's a scene where the witches make who I think was the preacher's uptight wife profusely puke at home, then the same thing happens to Jack Nicholson's character at a church. I remember there being gobbets of fruit or some such thing mixed in their excretions that could be mistaken for bits of organ.
GoH came to mind too but maybe it's The Church (1989). Lots of red and it takes place all in the church. And it's been a long time but I thought I remember organ puking in there somewhere
Maybe The Unholy (1988)? There's a scene towards the end when a man (not a woman) starts hemorrhaging from the face and literally pukes up his guts next to an altar in a church. The guts resemble meaty pasta sauce. The demon in the film would appear as a long-haired woman in its human guise. I remember some hellish red lighting, as well as a lot of cold blue lighting as well.