Back in the '80s when I was a kid there was a toy where a monster would pop out and eat people/elves (not sure). As I remember it was a mini scene where something comes out from under a rock. It haunted me for years.
Later as a teen, I saw the DEVILMAN anime movie and it had an intro with fairies flying peacefully over an alien looking forest. Out of nowhere these cute things get eviscerated by all sorts of nasty carnivorous fauna and creatures. It's terrifying and also creeped me out for a while. It reminded me of the toy I am trying to remember.
Please help,
— Paco

UPDATE: NAME THAT TRAUMA SOLVED! Special thanks to Chris for solving it with Rocks & Bugs & Things!
I could be taking a stab in the dark, but would it be the "Ghoulies"-like Boglins?
Sounds a lot like the toy series "Rocks & Bugs & Things"…
Hey I had that Rockodile Rock when I was a kid! I remember it had a little creature that it came with for it to eat. For some reason I thought it was from Thunder Cats, but I guess not.
You know, I have NEVER heard of that line…but boy, that is probably one of the creepiest toy lines I've seen…
This is Paco, the guy who wrote in. “Rocks & Bugs & Things†in on the nose. Thats exactly what i remember. Thank you.
Even though the mystery was solved, high five to Joanna! I love-love-loved my Boglin (I ruined it in the bathtub, I think).