Your website is awesome!
That said … I remember a movie that was probably shown on WLVI 56's Creature Double Feature in the '80s (Boston area). It involved a man who was turned into rock somehow. I remember he was sort of a brown color. At the end, he walks into the ocean and the sea water dissolves him. I could have sworn it was called "The Rock Man," but I can't find any movie similar to that plot and title. Can someone help?
UNK SEZ: Thanks Scott! I'm probably wrong on this but I keep seeing 1966's IT with RODDY McDOWALL in my mind's eye. It doesn't quite fit your description but it's got a brown rock golem guy in it and I'm pretty sure at the end he takes a dip in the ocean. I'm just guessing so if any of our readers have any other ideas please do let us know! The trailer for IT is below…
The film is Curse of the Faceless Man (1958).
Thanks Jeanette! You rock!
And it looks like that flick is available online….