Hi, I have been a fan of your wonderful site for a long time, and I have something that I hope someone can help me with. When I was younger there aired on TV an episode from some cop program, it might have been Starsky and Hutch, I'm not sure. There was a crazed woman killing people, who would dress up as a man, wearing a derby and a suit, and would walk in the darkness saying to victims "You, you, I'm going to kill you". Thats all I can remember, and if anyone remembers what TV show this was from I appreciate it.

I could just about bet my life it was Starsky and Hutch, the show I LOVED MOST in the 70s. I believe the episode might be called "The Avenger" about righting the wrongs of relationships….not positive.
I saw the title and immediately thought of that episode of Police Woman where a man disguised as a woman went around strangling people, and then I read the description. So much for that.
You nailed it smidget28. I remember watching this as a kid not long after seeing both PSYCHO and and a network broadcast of SISTERS. I placed a $5 bet with my older siblings on the killer's identity and won but they refused to pay up, insisting I must have cheated. Here's the episode on youtube. The killer makes his/her entrance at about 05:30.