Hi hi! I first wrote to the Kindertrauma site in 2010 about "Night of the Lepus" and other films. (HERE)
I am writing again now for I recall someone, around that same time, trying to find out the name of a children's monster book that featured tons of worried monsters who all lived on the same street and were suspicious of their new neighbors who had just moved in…At the time I remembered having the book but it was on the other side of the country in storage at my parent's house so I couldn't remember the name of it or anything specific!
I am not sure if it has since been identified by others on the site, but…In case it hasn't I have just posted about it on my blog for I finally went back home and found it. The book is called 'Guess Who's Just Moved in Next Door?' It's by Colin McNaughton and it features tons of great monster drawings.
I hope this helps!
UNK SEZ: Thanks very much Charles! That Name That Trauma from reader Kathryn (HERE) was never solved! Nice of you to remember!

That book looks AWESOME! Must get.
I had a very similar book growing up.
It was one of those "Where's Waldo" knockoffs where you had to find the main character (young siblings, I think. Or maybe just a young girl..) as well as a chart of several hidden objects.
I think definitely monster themed – a party at Dracula's castle. Every page was a different room in the castle – one Mummy themed, one Frankenstein themed, etc.
I wish I still had it. Maybe someday I will write to you of my family playing "Shrieks & Creaks" (featuring Zacherley knockoff Sir Simon Shriek) by candle light.
Where was this book when I was a kid?
I know I would have really dug this one. I used to love all the details and intricacies in the Richard Scarry books!