Hi Kindertrauma, I've just stumbled upon your site after wandering through the web. Most interested in your "name that trauma" section as I have been haunted for many years by a TV show opener. It is in black and white and is animated, one scene morphs into another and another an so on. I cannot remember the order but I think it starts with a boy bouncing a ball which then changes into maybe an eagle then maybe a dark alleyway then maybe a mummy. Each scene turns quickly to the next to create the intro. It is English and dates back to the early seventies and I believe the show told a different story each episode. I found the intro so creepy that it stays with me to this day over forty years later. Please could someone tell me the name of the show.
Many thanks
Stephen B. – a lifelong horror fan.

This definitely sounds like "Out of the Unknown" whose ultra-creepy style you can see here.
Sadly, many of the episodes have been lost so your episode may have been lost to the sands of time as well.
Thanks bdwilcox! I think you're on to something! I'll email Stephen B. !
Hi bdwilcox and unkle lancifer Thank you for your reply. I checked out the link and as weird and wonderful as it is unfortunately it's not the program. The intro I'm looking for is animated,black and white,pencil drawings or that is how it looks. Images I rememer are definately a boy bouncing a ball, an eagle, maybe swooping, a dark alleyway, maybe even a Nazi. As controversial as that would be nowadays. I'm sure there were others but these one stick with me, along with the uneasy feeling it gave me. Please Kindertrauma help me solve this forty year old riddle… Steve B
I looked at a Wiki page and some Youtube intros and didn't see anything resembling your description. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:British_anthology_television_series Wiki link to UK Anthology Programmes.
I found a web page you should check out. British TV Horror Anthologies http://www.thehalloweeninn.com/2014/08/british-tv-horror-anthologies.html They might know your anthology or know someone you should ask. Send them an email, it couldn't hurt. Seems that we are all stumped on this one. http://www.thehalloweeninn.com/p/contact.html
Thank you chairman. I will check these out. I have asked many sources over the years with no success . It was on at least once a week, an afternoon playhouse kind of thing. Maybe I should contact the BBC or ATV (Anglia Television) for an answer. Someone out there must know of it…
You're welcome, sorry I struck out.
If nobody here knows, maybe some future reader will recognize your series. Come back once a week or so and check to see if the right reader saw your query.
It would be a good idea to expand your search because you have serious horror fans on this particular site. They didn't figure out your series, so this is going to be a tough one. Ask about this series at other places too. unkle lancifer isn't going to take any offense if you get more people on the search.
I'd personally ask where are some other great sites for horror help.
Best of luck on your search.
Could it be the intro to masterpiece mystery? It had black and white animation by Edward Gorey, it used to really creep me out as a kid!