Look at all these Traumatots! Some are nice kids who found themselves in horrific situations, but one of them is so super bad that he took an axe to his ma's head! Can you guess which movies these youngins appeared in? Some of them are kind of obscure, but you've bound to have come across a few if you are a horror fan. Now get guessin'! The answers will appear… eventually!

3. "House by the Cemetary"
5. "Burial Ground"
6. "Witchery"
…and that's all I gots! Â My full-body Eurotrash immersion is showing, I fear.
Wow. I have no clue, but the kid in #5 is gonna haunt my nightmares from here on out. I thought you was all about "helping with past traumas" and here you go, starting up new ones.
Nice. Real nice.
Dang. You couldn't have thrown in the kid from The Shining so I wouldn't have to be embarrassed over not recognizing a single one. Not a one.
That's Peter Bark in #5 and he absolutely terrifies me, yet I kind of love him!
Where's Sammy Snyder from the Pit?
I'm pretty sure No. 4 is The Hills Have Eyes and No. 8 is Silent Night, Deadly Night.
Oh, oh, OH! I believe #8 is Pieces! Am I right?
I'm pretty sure you're right Amanda by Night. I was thinking the same thing. Does Peter Bark really count since he was like 30 at the time? Haha. But damn, was he creepy!
#3 Ah Bob, good ol' Bob. Love him.
Only UNK knows the answers, so I can't confirm any guesses. I thought #5 was MARTY FELDMAN in a bad toupee.
Is #1 Lee Cormie as Michael Greene in Darkness Falls?
I'm almost certain that number nine is from Lamberto Bava's The Ogre.
Wow. Thanks for introducing me to the voluptuous horror of Peter Bark! Here's Burial Ground distilled down to 8 minutes of homunculiciousness (warning, deeply traumatic): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRhjls6ap5o&feature=related
Well……….I'm stumped with most of these as well. At first glance I thought that #1 was Aidan and his mother Rachel from "The Ring 2" but it's not.  I think #4 is a pre-burned to death in the car "Audrey Rose". Oh, I just saw that "Burial Ground" clip. To quote Austin Powers: AWKWARD!!!!
OK, now I think # 10 is from "The Ruins".
Oh Unkle Lancifer! When will you post the answers? The suspense is killing me! I must know the answers!
I think #2 is Children of the Corn. The ones in the picture were teh good children that were trying to help. I think #7 was from an episode of Tales From the Darkside where the girl gets a possessed teddy bear.
Wow… I only knew 3 of those. I hate posting my guesses because I feel stupid when I get em wrong. I'm a failure!
I thought #7 looked familiar but I first thought it was the title character from "May" getting her doll. Then I said NAH! I guess little Audrey wasn't #4. I figured out # 10 as i just saw that last week when I rented it. {No, the Rick Astley avatar is not staying! Just for April Fool's Day!}