Hey gang, it's that time again. Time for NAME THAT TRAUMATOT! Are you excited? O.K., the screen captures are on the sucky side because I'm getting to the bottom of the barrel and some of these are a bit obscure but hey, who cares? It's Friday, and I'm in love…with trauma!

OMG! I still suck at this! And it's bottom of the barrel.
#1 is the Stuff, I think
#2 is Patty Duke, I think, but I don't know what from
Is #5 the Spell?
That's it!
It's 6 am here! But I think even if it was 10, I'd still be having problems!!!
Whoops! I meant #1 is THE BLOB. Sorry, I'm sleepy!
#4 Alice, Sweet Alice
#7 Critters
#8 The Godsend
#9 Terrorvision
I knew #7 was Scott Grimes, but couldn't think of what movie it was! I saw Critters in the theater back in the day!
#2 I saw what you did
Mickster, I hated The Godsend. What about you? It's one of the only movies I ever bought and then sold!
Is #5 the 1975 TV movie Death Scream?
Amanda, agreed! Not too impressive!
For Unkle Lancifer: I don't care if Monday's blue Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too Thursday I don't care about you It's Friday I'm in love Monday you can fall apart Tuesday Wednesday break my heart Thursday doesn't even start It's Friday I'm in love
1 is Corey Feldman!
4 is Helen Hunt!
Is 4 Brooke Shields?
1. Friday the 13th The Final Chapter?
6. Is that Fred Savage in Little MOnsters?
9. Dr. Giggles?
I'm totally guessing here.
3Â might be The Hidden.
I don't think 6 is Fred Savage.
When do we find out the answers? I'm new to this.
#6 Communion
#10 Nightmares
#4: "Alice, Sweet Alice". Yep, that's Brooke!
I knew #3 looked familiar.
So, I actually started watching Nightmares last night. How funny. I fell asleep during the first story. I love that movie!
Cool story Unk! Hope your movie was good!
Haven't rea dthe other posts, new to this, haven't seen a lot of older movies. I only know: #6 Andy from Communion and #8 the girl from Godsend