It's Friday and time for another rousing round of "Name That Traumatot!" Your Unkle Lancifer is going to sit this one out so the festivities will be hosted by super celebrity Aunt John. He'll give you the answers and clues when needed. After today you will have collectively identified 100 movies, pretty impressive stuff. Good luck kids!

#2 Satan's Little Helper
Oy vey, I suck. #2 is SATANS LITTLE HELPER and thats all she wrote.
???wild guess- #3…THE CHANGELING
#4 Sleepy Hollow (?)
5 is mortuary, 6 is return of the living dead part 2, 7 is resident evil
Guest moderator AUNT JOHN here :: Mickster & MamaMSP got #2. And #3 is still up for grabs (Sorry Mama).
sumo1964 got #s 5,6, & 7… great job!
3 is the wicker man
Mickster is awake enough to get #4 & sumo1964 wrestles the answer out of #3
#8 is the remake of Thirteen Ghosts.
Amen to that Father Merrin… you are correct!
1. Possession, 1981
10. Hostel
Sorry Vicar, your first answer is incorrect… but you checked in with the right one for #10!
man, 10 was bugging me… good job vicar!
If I did my math right, I think we only needs #s 1 & 9 to finish out this round, so keep your thinking caps on tight.
is #9 the wicker man remake? Â That's all I can think of, but it's driving me nuts…
Sumo… you are throwing down today! Yep, #9 is the re-make.
Do y'all need a hint for number 1?
yeah I think it's time for a hint, for me anyway…
OK, the hint Unk left me for #1 is:
Does that help?
now I'm gonna have to say venom for #1. Â I wasn't at all sure, now I'm a little more confident.
That's not the answer… just another clue for those still playing at home.
Ding…Â ding… ding… SUMO gets the last one!
So to recap, here are today's tots:
1. Venom
2. Satan's Little Helper
3. Wicker Man (Original)
4. Sleepy Hollow
5. Mortuary
6. Return of the Living Dead 2
7. Resident Evil
8. 13 Ghosts
9. Wickerman (Stink-o Remake)
10. Hostel
Thanks to all that played today, and tune in next Friday for another installment of America's #1 Game Show "Name That Traumatot!"
Cant believe I blew #3. She looked soooo familiar!