Can you name the movies that these traumatots appeared in? More importantly, can you name them before the reigning master Mickster does? Good luck kiddies!

Can you name the movies that these traumatots appeared in? More importantly, can you name them before the reigning master Mickster does? Good luck kiddies!
#1 Bloody Birthday
#9 Death Valley
#6 Bad Moon
#2: Nightmare on Elm St. Part 5: The Dream Child
#5 Curse of the Cat People
#10 Ghosthouse
#2 – scares the crap out of me
#3 – is almost identical to a kid at my son's bus stop!
#9 – say it ain't so! RALPHIE???
Man, everyone already got the ones I know (#1,2 & 9). I feel like I recognize #8, but can't seem to place it.
#3 Shocker
#4 The Gate?
#9 Pumpkinhead?
#4 Return of the Living Dead Part II
Here are some hints and answers
OMG! How did #8 take me so long?
It's Bad Ronald! Bad Mutha Fucking Ronald! I love that movie!
Kid in #7…not sure of the movie, but I DO know that's Eddie "Donkey Lips" Gelfman (Michael Bower) from "Salute Your Shorts".
#4 Invasion from Mars remake…
#7 The Willies
Bad Ronald is one mean mutha –
Shut yo' mouth.
Hey, I'm just talking about Bad Ronald!
Who's the guy living in your the wall?Â
That looks at you through a small peephole?
Bad Ronald!Â
Ya damn right!Â
Who is the man that would Knock your head into a cinderblock
For talkin' smack about his ma?Â
Bad Ronald!Â
Can you dig it?Â
Who's the cat who created the world AtrantaÂ
All for his princess Fansetta?Â
Bad Ronald!Â
Right On!Â
Amanda says that this cat Ron is a bad mutha-
I'm talkin' 'bout Bad Ronald.Â
He's a complicated manÂ
But no one understands him but his mother
(and Amanda!)
Unk & Amanda! Y'all are too funny!
I am so completely in love with Lancifer right now, it's not even funny. In fact, it's a little scary!