There are some names that appear again and again on the pages of Kindertrauma (STEPHEN KING and JOHN CARPENTER being two of the most obvious multiple trauma inflictors). One name that is perhaps less well known but belongs to an equally prolific trauma supplier is DAN CURTIS. Producer, director and writer, DAN CURTIS not only supplied us with the innovative gothic daytime soap opera DARK SHADOWS, but he also pretty much redefined horror television in the 70's across the board. Besides introducing us to the ever influential character of Kolchak from the seminal television movie THE NIGHT STALKER, he was also the man responsible for the unforgettably terrifying Zuni fetish doll from the classic TRILOGY OF TERROR. His directorial work on the big screen includes the creepy haunted house flick BURNT OFFERINGS which, like much of DAN's output, is frequently cited as a movie which many young folks were forever scarred by (particularly when they stumbled across it on late night television).
His list of genre contributions go on and on and he can be thanked for bringing such classics to the small screen as DRACULA ('73), THE TURN OF THE SCREW ('74) and THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY ('73). The presence of his name in a film's or television movie's credits signals the fact that you are about to see something from somebody who truly knows his way around a horror tale. DAN CURTIS may not exactly be a household name, but there is no household that has a television that this man did not profoundly affect.
We here at Kindertrauma have no choice but to honor his brilliant career with an Official Traumatizer award. DAN the man's extensive credits speak volumes but honestly, he could have earned this baby with the Zuni fetish doll alone!
I grew up with the horrible offerings of Dan Curtis. He seemed to be the force behind most of the TV movies that scared the crap out of me in the 70s. I may be scarred for life, but I am also very thankful. Those memories of being scared and watching anyway are shared and recounted with my two siblings (all in our 40s now), on many occasions. Thanks Mr. Curtis, R.I.P.
Oh, and BTW, Dead of Night comes out on DVD this coming Tuesday! Thanks again, Dan!
Brilliant man, grew up with a lot of his work and I wouldn't trade that for anything. When I wasn't watching horror movies at night I was watching Dark Shadows in the day which had the best theme music ever.
Thanks for the scares and the Zuni fetish doll, Dan.
Oh, algee beat me to it! I got the screener for Dead of Night and it looks great AND comes with a second movie… well, pilot for Darkness At Blaiesdon which Dan produced. It's FANTASTIC. If you liked Dark Shawdows, you'll find something cool here.
I love this man, and actually cried when he died. He's one of the biggest reasons I love horror as much as I do. Thank Dan for scaring the crap out of me!
"Curse Of The Black Widow"
You better believe around the corner fudge was made.
I love Dan Curtis, and like Amanda  I shed some tears when I heard of his passing. You could always recognize a Dan Curtis production by the wonderful atmosphere. I've never seen Dead of Night, but I plan to buy it when it is released. Did anyone else here enjoy the 1990/1991 version of Dark Shadows? I was so upset when it was cancelled after only 12 episodes.
Just for Burnt Offerings alone, Curtis would be a legend in my mind. At the time, that movie scared me like nothing I had seen before. For my money, it's still one of the best haunted houses movies ever.
Now here is a man who epitomizes both "TV Legend" and "Horror Hall of Famer."
Mickster, sorry for the delayed response. Not sure you'll see this, but I remember the remake (with Ben Cross, right?), but never saw it, which I really regret. I should try to track that down!
Amanda, it is out on DVD and well worth checking out! You are correct, Ben Cross played Barnabas. I didn't think I would like anyone else playing that role, but he was great!
Oh, thanks Mickster! I didn't know it was available. I am gonna check that out! I remember thinking Ben Cross was a pretty good actor, so I'm definitely interested!