Egad, those rascally Overlook spookies have trashed the radio room! Can you help Wendy find the ten discrepancies before her husband loses his temper? All work and no Kindertrauma Funhouse makes everybody dull! Don't be dull! Click the middle images to enlarge!

The red thing on her sleeve is missing in pic number 2.
The cord isn't hanging at the bottom of the console in pic number 2.
I think I've got this… Mwahaha, always good at 'spot the differences'…
1 – Jacket sleeve
2 – doorknob
3 – notice (far right)
4 – top shelf (yellow thin book)
5 – bottom shelf (book reversed)
6 – second set of buttons
7 – switch (top of machine…. is that thing on the box a switch?)
8 – stripe on scarf
9 – Extra cord (under the machine)
10 – Stitches on her left sleeve
There is an extra door jam thing in pic number 2.
egads, man! this one is hard.
this is all i have so far…
1. top white tab on rectangular metal box
2. line of red buttons on bottom part of radio
3. red triangle on wendy's jacket sleeve
4. door lock thingy on edge of door
5. small white book turned to yellow book on top shelf of book case
6. scarf!
7. it looks like that one flyer on the groovy corkboard is taller in the bottom photo.
8. oh – sneaky cord under the radio
9. the little white tab on the peachy book with the brown stuff on the spine! yes!
and 10. stitches on wendy's sleeve edge – but i saw that when i was scrolling down.
yay! thanks again!
You guys are Good! Here are the answers…