I've been perusing your site for a while now after discovering it this year, and I believe I have the answer to a "Name That Trauma" from May 7, 2009. PhanWolf asked about a book with a haunted house on the cover and thought it might have been called "The House that Came to Life." I had that same book and avoided the cover as well when I was a kid. It's called "The Ghost That Came Alive" by Vic Crume. Here's a link to it on Amazon.
Anyway, maybe PhanWolf is still holding out hope for an answer…five years later!
UNK SEZ: Thanks Jeff! We'll try to contact Phanwolf! By the way, I noticed something strange while putting together your post. Something about the author's name and the title of his previous book rang a bell. Last week I picked up a book at the thrift store and it's currently propped up by my desk starring me in the face, "The Mystery in Dracula's Castle" by Vic Crume!