While probably a benign little heart-warmer or lesson-imparter which was in no way meant to be unsettling, I'm haunted by a short film shown at summer camp. Reckoning it's from the mid 70s to very early 80s, as the music was all burping Moog (at least in memory).
The most I can offer is a hazy recreation of a single moment… young girl at her open bedroom window, nighttime, she peers out into the woods and glimpses a large, (yellow?) ball come slowly bounding down the distant hillside, perhaps during high winds or a storm. I feel as though the ball was an alien visitor, maybe even a sinister presence? (And I've seen Dark Star, so this isn't my memory conflating two extraterrestrial balls…)
That's it. The rest was promptly erased by hikes, horseback, and failed attempts at leather-work. Hopefully enough for somebody to go on, any relief will be most welcome, with thanks in advance!
Rick B.

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