TERROR IN THE AISLES is a film that has had a profound, lasting effect on the way I feel about horror films and some non-horror films that they, for some reason, included. It turned me on to NIGHT HAWKS, VICE SQUAD and one of my all time favorite's PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE. I took it in to my middle school and for some reason did a report on horror films. Everyone cracked up when LINDA BLAIR did the rolled-back-eyes hoochie coochie dance (even my teacher cracked up). I had just started buying Fangoria magazine (CELLAR DWELLER was on the cover) and brought it to school,this movie made me want to seek out more gore films and especially makeup effects people like TOM SAVINI and ROB BOTTIN (This is the first time I saw the clip from JOHN CARPENTER'S THE THING and even THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE ). The way DONALD PLEASANCE and NANCY ALLEN hosted the film, it seemed like an infomercial for the worst nightmare that you could not escape from.
UNK SEZ: Right there with you Eric. Every horror fan should see TERROR IN THE AISLES at least once. I gotta say I used to find the cheesy musical montage near the end nearly unbearable, but now it's almost my favorite part! Due to licensing issues, it's not likely that T.I.T.A. is going to be put on DVD any time soon (if ever) but currently you can watch the entire movie on your PC thanks to THIS GUY. If you have not seen it, hurry up and do so now before it gets yanked. It will certainly bring back some fond memories of the heyday of horror!