Is Norman going mad again or has someone been switching things around in Mother's room? Help Norman prove he's still on the sane-train by finding the 12 differences in Momma Bates HQ! Make yourself a toasted cheese sandwich and take a good long look. Leave your answers in the comments section and we will shower you with the correct discrepancies later today! (click to enlarge!)

The picture on the table in the bottom left is diff.
The reflection of the white thing in the mirror at the top left is darker in one.
There's only one snow globe lookin' thing on the table in the top left in one image.
The headboard is different in the top right corner of the picture, two parts that look like a hardcover book to one in the other picture.
Also the trim is gone from the right side of the drapes.
The red chair in the bottom pic has an extra button in the upholstery where the back meets the seat.
And there are more large spots on the rug in one image.
The pattern on the quilt is flipped.
The stool at the vanity is missing a leg.
The drape on the left hand side is missing a tassel.
The decorative doohickey on the bottom of the right side arm of the ceiling light is missing.
omg this is so cool! you rock!
ok – i'm just gonna list ones i saw and not look at what other folks said.
* photo on table in oval frame is different
*tassle on drapes on left window is missing
*reflection of needlepoint in mirror is different
*jars of cold cream (?) on dresser – there are 2 jars in one photo and one in the other
*floor boards in front of right window – one photo has 2 darker boards
*headboard on bed – there are two of that decorative thing in one photo and one in the other
*vanity bench is missing a leg in one photo
*one of the large designs on the rug in front of Norman's right foot is smaller in the 2nd photo
man! this is freaking hard! 12? that's crazy!
i'll be back.
oh! the left circle thing on the folded bedspread is reversed.
and the chandalier thing is missing the little bottom thing on the right lightbulb holder thing (if you wanna get technical).
omg – ok – there is fringe on the right side of the drapes on the right window in one photo and it's missing in the other
…and…there is an extra button in the back of the pink chair.
wow! that was fun!
i used to LOVE these things in the daily newspaper. you should make this a regular thing.
Thanks to everyone who played. You got them all!
cmcmcmcm, Glad you liked this! It was a great relief to do something different this week! I'm still working the kinks out!
I actually lost the original images at one point and had to do them again! that part was less fun.
I've always liked these type of puzzles too so I'll try to do another for next week!
I only wish I had known it was going to be FRIDAY THE 13th!!!!!
Must remember to LOOK at calender.
Have a great weekend all!