You might need to fetch your reading glasses! There are ten differences between the poster above (A) and the poster below (B). Can you find all ten?

You might need to fetch your reading glasses! There are ten differences between the poster above (A) and the poster below (B). Can you find all ten?
– "Pits the dead" vs "Pits the living"
– Naked zombie missing an arm
– Ben's board is shorter
– Different "G"
OKAY enough from me, let someone else play!
front face has longer mouth blood trickle
front face is missing an ear
background board(?) has an extra parallel line
hand above middle woman's head is flipped
guy at front bottom is feasting on something that's bigger in the first picture.
and one more I still can't find.
I think the last one is the zombie's arms are longer…in (B) they are above the naked lady's head and in A they don't reach that far.
Thanks for playing! It was nice to take a break from assembling 10 images this week! And these are fun to make. Hope you all have a great weekend. It is torture hell hot here in Philly!
Here be the key::