UNK SEZ: Heads up! I just happily stumbled across the never released on DVD fluorescent eighties spaz attack TERRORVISION rearing its kooky head on Netflix Streaming! It's the only film I know of that can satisfy your yearnings for MARY WARANOV and DIANE FRANKLIN at the same time! You can check out a full, old and barely readable review HERE but the images and trailer below should tell you all you need to know!
damn. that movie looks really cool. i wish netflix stream had the same selection over here in Canada!
That takes me back. Does anyone have the lyrics to the theme music?
Im really not a fan but I watched it again recently JUST cuz I think Diane Franklin is so darn cute
Jon Gries is GOD!
I have it on VHS (in the BIIIG box) it's ex-rental. I love it – takes me back to the 80s 😀
Favourite bit: "This dude's into Metal" – boyfriend perishes into gloopy puddle in the shape of an electric guitar – classic!
Oh, I am still real fond of just how goofy "TerrorVision" is. It manages to be genuinely out-there. It's dumb humour still manages to carry over and, of course, it has that total 80s vibe that takes me right back to that golden era when I was renting out videos most nights and being underage to see most of the horrors (what would we have done without irresponsible video clerks?).