Sorry, I gotta make myself scarce for a bit! We have a guest coming to the Kindertrauma Kastle and that means I have to clean (remove bodies), do the wash (scrub out the blood stains) and hunt down my copy of THE ABC AFTER SCHOOL SPECIAL: WHAT ARE FRIENDS FOR? Everybody who stays in this dwelling must watch this masterpiece as it is the unofficial training film for dealing with yours truly. If you can't handle the friendship stylings of Michelle Mudd (DANA HILL), then I don't think you're ready for this jelly. Oh, cool! It looks like WHAT ARE FRIENDS FOR? is available on the portal to hell known as YouTube! Yay. Read my old review HERE and watch the lamentable happenings below, otherwise you're not a very good friend!

Thanks for posting the link. I am sure I watched this the first time it aired because it all seemed familiar. This was a nice break from editing research paper rough drafts for students.
Unkle L, I hope you have an awesome visit with your guest. I am just jealous it is not me.
Aw thanks Mickster! Hope you can visit soon! We can make voodoo dolls together!
Jesus, Dana Hill was terrifying..
I watched this at work today. The magic ritual in the bathroom scene was disturbing (and unlikely. i mean, what kid can get away with running a bath and painting their face and lighting candles without an adult noticing. Children of D-I-V-O-R-C-E, I suppose).
But really, it just bummed me out. Not long ago I bought a G.I. Joe on ebay. One i always wanted as a kid, my cousin had it but I never did. It was $1. When it came in the mail I thought, "Children of divorce have serious development issues."
Drew, I completely agree that the bathroom scene is creepy and disturbing.
Unkle L, I know who I am making a voodoo doll to represent!