Once upon a time, your very own Unk had a "Name That Trauma" of his own. I had fallen asleep watching an episode of SATURDAY NIGHT DEAD hosted by Philly legend STELLA and woke up to a horrifying scenario on my TV. I caught only the very last moments of the program and they included a man and woman screaming from within a window somehow trapped and going stark raving mad inside a house. Miraculously a reader knew exactly what I was talking about and informed me that it was an episode of HAMMER HOUSE OF HORROR entitled "The Silent Scream." Here in the States it seems episodes of the show were often passed off as singular movies. Of course, I had to immediately order the entire series on DVD and boy was I pissed at the time when someone screwed up my order and sent it to me on VHS! Years have passed and I'm actually glad about that mistake so I guess there's a lesson to be learned there somewhere.
Point of all of this is that today COMET TV is having a HAMMER HOUSE OF HORROR marathon and you can watch it free on cable, the airwaves (if your TV is set up with a converter) or just watch it live off of your dearest computer HERE. It starts at 10 am (which is why I posted this so early) and it goes on until 3:30 in the AM! The aforementioned episode "The Silent Scream" is scheduled for 5:30PM but if I were you, I'd catch as many episodes as you can. It's sure to get you in the Halloween spirit.
The episode "The House That Bled to Death" is worth a look. I'll try not to spoil anything by suggesting it may have been inspired by the real story behind a popular horror movie.
Love "The House that Bled to Death" (except for the poor cat). I dig how gritty and grounded this show is and the music is awesome!!
BTW after posting this, I found out that HAMMER HOUSE OF HORROR is also free on TubiTv so if anyone doesn't want to sit by the TV all day, you can catch episodes there on your own time.