Hey, let's say we all watch the TV movie classic WHEN MICHAEL CALLS! I'm not sure if it's scary but it's definitely creepy and sometimes I think creepy is better than scary because it lasts so much longer. I mean, there's just some sort of feeling or tone to this movie that gets to me every time- ya know? Well, it was filmed in Canada in the early seventies and that certainly helps give it some legitimate horror cred. It's even got Mrs. Mac (MARIAN WALDMAN) from BLACK CHRISTMAS in it and we all know she rules. Sure, it's a little dated as it comes from that time period when everybody thought it was perfectly acceptable for a grown woman to impersonate a young boy by utilizing a Rocket J. Squirrel voice but in same ways that just makes it more surreal and weirdly off-putting. In any case, you can't beat the cast; when you're cooking with the likes of ELIZABETH ASHLEY, BEN GAZZARA and MICHAEL DOUGLAS how can you possibly go wrong? Trust me, if WHEN MICHAEL CALLS isn't perfect for a mid January Sunday afternoon, I don't know what is! Plus it's got murder by bees! I love me some murder by bees! How did I not mention the score? Listen to this opening theme…