Cuter than E.T., smarter than NUKIE and more delightful than MAC (AND ME), THE THING is my all time favorite critter from outer space! Today, after nearly a two-decade absence, THE THING has finally returned to Earth (at a theater near you- check your local listings!) for fresh new duplicating adventures!

My pal THE THING is famous for his RICH LITTLE-esque ability to mimic and impersonate any creature it has a mind to. Talented as THE THING may be, we all have our off-days and sometimes THE THING is prone to leave projects unfinished…
The four images below are from 2011's THE THING! Image "A" is the original and image "B" is the phony-baloney. Poor THE THING has made exactly three mistakes in each attempt to copy his prey. Can you spot the three differences before you yourself are assimilated and crab legs grow out of your head?
I myself am off to the movie theater, as a wild horse does not exist who is wild enough or horse-y enough to keep me away from my beloved THE THING!

MORE THING FUN: Turn yourself into THE THING and share the ultimate scare HERE! Visit THE THING's official site HERE!
This post is sponsored by NBC Universal Pictures.

1.) Rings around the tank
2.) 2 buttons
3.) 2 red lights
4.) Missing loopy thingy on the parka
I look forward to your review. I am not sure that I can take my Rob Bottiny goodness being replaced by CGI.
I'm a bit worried about the CGI too but it sounds like they went out of their way to use practical effects as well.
Rob Bottin is a genius as far as I'm concerned so I'm not really expecting them to surpass his take but I'm interested to see anything inspired by his work. I think the whole reason I got into art was because of Rob Bottin!
One thing that I think can be improved upon from the 82 version though is the idea of that final "Thing" from the climax (the stop-motion beast that had to be edited out because it wasn't convincing enough.)
Also- I'm excited that the score is based on Morricone's, I have to hear that!
I know some folks just hate remakes/prequels etc but I'm looking at this as something that should have been made in 84! I always wanted more of "The Thing" !!! Till now I had to be satisfied with the comic books and the PS2 game.
Anyway, I'll let you know what I think later today!
1 – one hose at bottom of tank is missing
more hood fuzz on 1b
2 – barrel of gun is longer
extra button on jacket
pull string on my right/his left is missing
3 – two red lights on sqare metal thing
missing test tubes
wire on top of light
4 – extra roll on turtleneck
missing button loop
that's it for now. i'm gonna wait a bit and come back for the last two or i might go blind.
1 – the tank has an extra ripple thing toward the top
4 – i'm at a loss. unless the difference is inside…where it counts.
I just got back from THE THING and in case I don't get the time to write a full review tonight I just wanted to say that I mostly dug it.
DDD, there was too much CGI for sure, especially toward the end BUT it didn't totally ruin my experience.
For me, it was entertaining enough being back in that same environment dealing with that same creature again.
As far as films piggy backing on other films go, it's better than most sequels. I thought there were some pretty creative nods to the first film and I'd watch it again.
I'll take gooey twisted misshapen aliens in the snow over the bland Paranormal Activity or the drudgery of Human Centipede 2 (walked out of that one!) any day of the week…
That's just me though, I ripped up my membership card for "The Horror-Purist Club" years ago!!!!
Some people are REALLY hating on it though!
I'm reading some reviews that sound like kids freaking about their dad's new girlfriend not being their real mommy!!!
Me, I had fun.
My needs were met.
OK I'll have the answers to the puzzles up in a bit stay tuned,,,,
I think the one you missed is the flashlight in 4b is longer- but it is really hard to tell…
It's like an optical illusion …
I trust the opinions of the folks on this site over that of your average militant fanboy, but I admit I have been torn between dread and excitement over this release — it is The Thing dammit! So it's good to hear your positive reaction, Unk. I'll have to see it this weekend.
Thanks Pinchy! I think if you just go in with the knowledge that it is NOT going to outdo the original it's pretty good.
It's at least made with a genuine knowledge of how the first film worked.
I LOVE the 82 version but I don't feel the need to hate this one to prove that love.
Even with all the CGI it still has an old school feeling in the pacing and the fact that the actors are actual adults.
I just watched HALLOWEEN II (81) again recently and the drop in quality from the first HALLOWEEN to that one is drastic but HALLOWEEN II still has the general idea and gets a pass…
That's how I feel about this version of THE THING. It's good enough.
If I was a teacher I would give them high marks for understanding the material and a lesser grade on execution.
I wasn't crazy about the final confrontation in this THING but I'm not crazy about the final confrontation in the 82 version either. It doesn't make me appreciate the whole effort less.
It seems to me lots of people had their minds made up before they saw this movie.
I think they did an admirable job of saluting the 82 version and what a treat to go back to that place…
Also: If I ever become more of a film critic than a film fan, please put me out of my misery!
Solution to challenge, animated