AUNT JOHN SEZ: If anyone out there actually got the Viewmaster's Talking 3-D thing-a-ma-bob with MICHAEL JACKSON's THRILLER cartridges, please e-mail Aunt John immediately, and then marry me.
AUNT JOHN SEZ: If anyone out there actually got the Viewmaster's Talking 3-D thing-a-ma-bob with MICHAEL JACKSON's THRILLER cartridges, please e-mail Aunt John immediately, and then marry me.
Is that Jenny Lewis of Rilo Kiley, Troop Beverly Hills, and The Wizard fame at the beginning of that commercial?
Awww… that commercial made me all warm inside for the good old days.
When I travel to a new place, I look for two things for souvenirs:
1. Books on local haunted places.
2. Viewmaster slides of local places.
I remember when our town first got a Toys R Us. It was awesome. Prior to that, Hills had the best toy section.