Hey guys! I have a weird one for you. When I was about ten I watched a movie with my dad and for years I only remembered the very beginning. There was a scene with a mother making coffee who somehow electrocutes herself by standing in a puddle while touching a faulty coffee maker. It terrified me because I imagined it happening to my own mom and I still think about the scene sometimes when I make coffee. I was talking about it with a friend who told me it was called "The Believers" and I found the scene on YouTube! It's dubbed but it's definitely the scene I remember as a kid! I wanted to share it with you. Thanks for all the trauma memories!

Thanks Beth! This is really a kindertraumatic scene for sure. When I was getting these images off the DVD I was surprised to see that this all happens before the opening credits! Also thanks for reminding me that in some cases its very appropriate to cry over spilt milk.