When I was a kid I grew up on PBS. There were some spooks here and there (like how Sesame Street started a phobia I outgrew around the time the subject I'm focusing on happened) but right now, I wanna talk to you about the 2010 Electric Company show. It's not as good as the 70s although my brother and I watched it.
You had killer lollipops, Morgan Freeman as a vampire, and monolith words.
I had freaking Jack Bowser.
See, there were these stop-motion skits that sended up 24, starring a dog parody of Jack Bauer; "Jack Bowser." He'd always be trapped somewhere and he had 24 seconds to read a sentence correctly or else he'd explode. And every time, he got out unscathed.
I don't know about you, but these skits just creeped me out. The black background, the sound of the timer, and the creepy-looking dog. I remember always wanting the dog to die for some reason. It's the sadist in me.

you left out the best part
"And with the actor of Jack Bauer – Kiefer Sutherland – playing Snake in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, I wonder if Kojima saw these Electric Company skits.
"Come to the musical on Sunday! It's about a cow in space!" I wonder if this musical exists in the MGS universe? Nanomachines, son."