Greetings traumathusiasts!
It's been a long time since I have posted, but I do try to at least visit the site every week. This place has been great for naming my past traumas, especially now that IMDB removed all of their discussion boards.
That said, I am traumafessing this 1980 episode of the apparently religious program Insight. I saw the second half of this by chance once or twice around 1980 or 1981, and never caught it again. This episode is called "The Soupman," and the part that scared 10-year-old me was how this gang treated Joey, one of their own members.
I had read books like "The Outsiders" and watched films such as "My Bodyguard" and "Over the Edge," and had a fear of and fascination with delinquents.
I have attached a link to the episode (HERE).
Dustin in Minnesota

Thank you so much for sending this SOUPMAN link! I'm a big fan of MY BODYGUARD and OVER THE EDGE too!
It's pretty amazing looking back and seeing how much grittier programing for teens was back in the day.
Oh, man… I made it thru about 90 of that. Ha ha. But I did enjoy how one of the actors was named Joe Buttafuoco. I wonder if Amy Fisher's ever seen the video.