This one was an oldie even when I was growing up in the 1970s and 80s, but I found it terrifying – yet fascinating – nonetheless: The 1938 version of "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", starring Tommy Kelly.
I found the movie entertaining, yet was terrifed of Victor Jory's "Injun Joe" character – from his throwing of the tomahawk during Tom's testimony in court, to his discovery of a lost Tom and Becky in the cave. I had nightmares of the scene Tom turning around to see Injun Joe standing there, watching them and grinning. Many a sleepless night was due to that one scene – yet I watched it every time they showed a matinee at our local theater or when it aired on TV.
I must have been somewhat masochistic when it came to fear, as I did the same thing with horror comic books.
Love the site, love "digging up" chilling memories.
Dustin in Minnesota

I used to love Injun Joe on "The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"!
It was always so scary/cool when he showed up! I'm still looking for a clip of him on Youtube… Such a triply show…
If I recall correctly, a MUCH older Victor Jory played a shaman (or something similar) in _Devil Dog: The Hound of Hell_.
Yep. I just checked IMDB. I somehow even managed to get the "shaman" part right. :^)