Hey guys!
I just happily discovered your blog and I think I've got just the right kindertrauma gem for you:
Many people on the internet will agree that there are a lot of traumatizing moments in the Swiss claymation show "Pingu". And young me has been scarred by this show as well. The worst: The Pingu's Nightmare episode. Just look up a picture of that disturbing walrus, it's…. unsettling to say the least. I remember seeing this as a kid and feeling like I had some weird fever-induced hallucination.
Here's a personal fun-fact: I forgot about this Pingu episode for a long time until someone handed me a christian flyer as a teenager. On that flyer was a crude picture of an alien with a moustache and without knowing why, I was overwhelmed with a very unsettling feeling. Then all the memories came back… f*cking Pingu. F*cking moustache walrus. Ugh.
And here's another one, thou this one might be for the Name That Trauma!- section:
I remember seeing this weird episode of a Cartoon Network show as a kid. It might have been "Cow and Chicken" or "I am Weasel" because I can faintly remember the Red Guy being the antagonist. In that episode the two main characters visited a factory that, well, turns people into furniture.
Yep. You can see the people on a conveyor belt going INTO the factory and sofas, cabinets etc.comming out. I always loved the very absurd humor of many cartoons back then, but this episode was just a little too weird even for me. I tried to find this abomination of a kids show for a few times, but with no result. Even thou many people watched these shows, nobody knows what I am talking about when I'm trying to describe the plot to them. Maybe you guys can help!
Thank you and keep up the good work!
Our old pal Lottie of Millhaven had difficulty signing in but sent this suggestion for Kate D's NTT
to us via gmail….
Anyway, this may be (as I said)a wild guess, but could the cartoon she's looking for Courage the Cowardly Dog? The "Klub Katz" episode has a red cat as a villain,and at one point a character is turned into a washing machine.
I know it's a stretch,but it's the first thing that came to mind.
The one one I can think of is 'Cow and Chicken Reclining…
"I forgot about this Pingu episode for a long time until someone handed me a christian flyer as a teenager. On that flyer was a crude picture of an alien with a moustache and without knowing why, I was overwhelmed with a very unsettling feeling. Then all the memories came back… f*cking Pingu. F*cking moustache walrus. Ugh." As a christian I would like to see that flyer and point out any inaccurate things in it.