Having started horror at the young age of 5, not much scared me as a kid but what scared me, REALLY scared me. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to start my horror movie experience off with The Texas Chainsaw Massacre before I even started kindergarten. Something scared me more than the chainsaws, blood, flesh, and Leatherface…that something was John Larroquette. His narration at the beginning of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, so cold and ominous, would give me nightmares for weeks. Seeing Night Court reruns on television added fuel to the fire. Hearing Larroquette's voice brings chills up my spine. I still can't watch the film without fast forwarding through the opening…
UNK SEZ: Great traumafession Kevin! I'm with you on that narration. Not that there's any part of TCM that I am not terrified by. I was a teen when I first saw it and it really shook me up. I don't now how you survived seeing it younger than that! I'm really looking forward to DON'T GO TO THE REUNION! It looks right up my alley! Folks, if you want to learn more about Kevin's movie check out the official site HERE! Plus you can keep up to date by liking SLASHER STUDIOS' Facebook page HERE! And do check out the trailer below….

I noticed recently that Larroquette reads the opening narration of Hooper's Lifeforce too…I'd seen it before over the years a couple of times, but somehow the voice hadn't clicked before this viewing…This time it was clear as day. Interesting that he didn't narrate the TCM 2 opening crawl, which was Hooper again and only one year after Lifeforce.
Check out the trailer for the original "Night of the Living Dead," narrated by Ted Knight of "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" and "Caddy Shack" fame! Wild stuff.
Check this out. Some guy at the KillDevilFilms Youtube channel created a "modernized" trailer for the original 1974 TCM. The original trailer is a grindhouse classic but this new version makes for an interesting comparison. Of course, I brought it up here because it replaces the original trailer's (memorable) voice over with John Larroquette's intro – a whole new way for Kevin to experience the Trauma!