Probably my greatest trauma happened every day just before the ten o'clock news. I grew up in the late 70's/80's in the NYC suburbs. During this time, there was a lot of real life horror (Stranger Danger, Toxic Tylenol, Satanic Panic, Son of Sam, child abductions, AIDS, Drugs, Cold War etc). But I digress… imagine being in this environment and unexpectedly before every ten o'clock news intro… a still motion shot of a lone child riding a bike on a deserted side street illuminated by a street lamp. Then comes the voice over -> "It's 10pm. Do you know where your children are?" The person who provided the voiceover was the great Lou Steele. He was known as "The Creep" btw. I'd have to run out of the room every time it came on. The reason it scared me was because of the images it conjured in my head. "Does this person know something?" "Geez, kids are getting snapped up left and right". "Why do parents need to be reminded to check on their children?" And ultimately reminded me of the infamous "Have you checked the children?" from When a Stranger Calls. The spot, the voiceover and the current social climate all made this a fearful moment of my youth. They later added another spot at 7pm which asked the question "Have you hugged your child today?" That also felt kind of creepy too… just the idea that parents needed a reminder.

Thanks Rob for the timely traumafession
I couldn't find the exact spot you mentioned with the bike but there are many others on Youtube…
i found this incredible one with Grace Jones…
Heres the "Have you hugged your child today?" spot…
now I'm trapped on Youtube watching channel promos! Thanks for the distraction!
Stay safe all!
On a side note, Lou Steele, as The Creep, hosted WNEW’s 70s horror movies show, Creature Features. The opening credits sequence for Creature Features is something of a “lost grail†for certain horror fans. It seems to be lost to time (probably erased by the station to recycle videotape), but there are several good recreations from memory uploaded to YouTube. Steele’s host segments are also lost, aside from one brief audio clip.
11 Alive! I’m a collector of old school commercials. I love scary tv spots from yesteryear. I had a b&w tv in my room as a kid. I used to watch fright night on WOR-TV9 … fright night and SNL. I remember the frightening tv spots for “the children†and “motel hellâ€. Scary stuff guys.
When I was in high school there was a commercial spoof of this on tv with a comically serious man pointing at the camera and saying "it's 10pm…do you know where your parents are?"
I always assumed it was a spoof, anyway…