Hi there,
Just sending my trauma story. When I was 6 years old, I pretty much had the run of the living room. I happened to find my brother's copy of Nightmare on Elm Street – couldn't read very well yet, just popped the video in. I got to about the part where Tina is calling to Nancy from the hallway and the centipede falls out of her mouth. Nightmares for a week, and occasionally I still have nightmares about Freddy!
P.S. Great site!
Centipedes are the worst! Way more disgusting than spiders. Spiders are nice. I noticed while taking this screen grab that Tina's centipede actually makes chirping sounds!
Ahh quite a classic scene! That plus the worms and snakes and stuff at her feet was quite startling when I saw it as a small kid back in the day.