I absolutely loved the Alvin and the Chipmunks cartoon when I was little in the early 90's. Well, all but two episodes that may or may not have happened. Both involved Theodore, my favorite 'munk. I don't know if its just me getting things mixed up in my mind or a dream or what, but I have two memories of episodes that terrified me. The first and worst of them was one where Theodore for some reason expanded like a balloon and was floating around helplessly in danger from airplanes and such. I think he ate something that caused it. As bizarre as it seems I remember it pretty clearly. The second one I'm pretty sure is real, because I looked at an episode guide and found something that seems to match my memory. The chipmunks were entertaining children at a hospital and somehow Theodore was accidentally taken into surgery. I can't recall if it was stopped in time or what the ending of the episode was. Does anyone else remember these episodes and can tell me if they are real and what the titles were? Thanks!
UNK SEZ: Thanks Sarah! I always love cartoon flavored kindertraumas! (Allow me to share two of my own, SNIFFLES & KANSAS CITY KITTY.) I can't help you with the episodes you mentioned but while looking I did find this clip of Alvin, Simon and your pal Theodore joining up with the likes of Slimer and ALF to fight drugs…
The first one you mentioned, where Theodore eats the wrong thing, is here:
I remember it being featured on a VHS compilation tape that I used to rent as a kid.The tape was Halloween themed (I believe another segment spoofed Nightmare on Elm Street, but I can't remember), so I guess it's understandable that it would have freaked you out a bit!
Wow, thank you! That's exactly what I remember and I still find it slightly unnerving as an adult.
Sorry this is late, SarahY, but I know the second cartoon that you mentioned. It was from the Alvin and the Chipmunks show that was aired in the 80's. The hospital episode was probably aired between '83-'85. Theodore is mistakenly identified as a patient that needs a tonsillectomy, but it is actually a boy named Tommy that needs the operation. Tommy is hiding out but comes clean just as Theodore is about to be put under. That episode creeped me out, too, because I hated how scared Theodore was and how no one would listen to him. I don't know if the whole episode is available, but here is a music clip from it: