Hello Kindertrauma, and fellow Traumatics! (Especially "And Now the Screaming Starts".) I have a few Name that Traumas, and a Traumafession.
First NTT: A commercial I remember seeing as a wee lad. It was set in, IIRC, a business office against a white background. There were people in that office, and they were talking. I don't remember what happened then. But I do remember what scared me. One of the guys yelled "WRONG!" and then klaxon alarms started blaring VERY loudly. Then it cut to the logo of the product that was being advertised, and I think there was freaking evil laughter heard. I saw this in the late 1970s (or very early 1980s, but I think it was the '70s).
Second NTT: A song that I used to hear on the radio in the mid 1970s (1974 to 1977). It had spooky Moog synthesizers, and it started out with a guy laughing creepily. The other thing I remember is a drum solo…
Third NTT: A video I saw recently (around 2011 or 2012). It ended with a guy shouting "THE BOTTOMLESS PITS OF HELL!" as the screen turned white and faded back to the guy laughing maniacally. I was like "Holy gosh!". I want to see this video again, because now I think it's pretty funny.
Traumafession: I once saw a Mega Man anime short around 1999. It featured Mega Man, Bass, and Proto Man. At one point Bass taunted Mega Man, and Mega Man cried as Bass walked away scoffing and cackling evilly. Then it showed Proto Man cackling evilly as he sent out Robot Masters to attack Mega Man, who was still crying. I felt sad for Mega Man. Just wanted to tell you that.

Thanks Mary P.!
Your empathy for Mega man reminded me of this old trauma of mine….
I still feel bad for this momma cat….
It wasn't "Nightmares"…that wasn't what I remember. The song I want had creepy first-generation early 70s Moog synthesizers, a drum solo, and a guy laughing creepily in the beginning. It had to be around 1974-1977. (And I'm pretty sure the commercial that was the first NTT had Moog synths for its' jingle.)
Oh sorry Mary P! I didn't mean to suggest I thought the answer was "Nightmares", I just needed something to illustrate the post and picked that randomly.
Actually, Mega man reminded me of the video game segment in the movie 'Nightmares" (1983) and I was going to use that to illustrate the post but then I found the music video and went for that instead.
Again sorry if that confused things. We used to just use a generic image for NTT's but it got visually boring after a while so now I just throw anything up there.
I shouldn't say we used a "generic" image, it was the TV from MANIAC…. aw the good ol' days….
Do you know what the first and third NTTs are? I think the third one was maybe (just maybe) a Nostalgia Critic episode, but I can't seem to find it. I've searched "nostalgia critic the bottomless pits of hell" but nothing turns up.
"Top Ten Scariest Disney Moments Part 2" by ElectricDragon505.
It isn't scary anymore.
And Lancifer, could you change the images to that of the video game sequence so other people wouldn't get confused?
Oh cool! Glad you found it Mary!
I changed the images for you, hope that helps!