It's so hard for me pick just one movie that traumatized me as a kid! I was sooooo frightened of horror movies. One of the earliest ones that changed me was THE BIRDS. I never even saw the whole movie, but the eyeball-pecking scene was enough when I was six to make me so afraid of crows that I would no longer walk to my best friend's house alone. She lived only four houses away, but crows used to gather on the electric poles between us. So not only did I have nightmares and fears about Mr. HITCHCOCK's masterpiece, but I actually changed my life schedule around those fears…my parents would have to watch me walk me past the birds so I could play with my friend!

UNK SEZ: Thanks ELISABETH for the great traumafession! All of you horror fans out there are sure to be interested in ELISABETH's award winning film THE COMMUNE, it's been dubbed "true horror" by PRETTY SCARY. You can read much more about it on the official website HERE, and watch its snappy trailer below. (Notice that the peacock in the trailer is safely behind bars!)

Okay, The Commune is so going in my Netflix queue… That's why I love this website so much, I've seen movies I would never have known about if not for reading about them here
Cool stuff! The Commune and Ms. Fies are definitely the bees knees!
Looks cool! BTW, some trivia on those two "The Birds" stills: The blue eyed, dark haired girl in the blue dress & tan jacket is a pre-teen Morgan Brittany of "Dallas" fame.
Does your fear of birds prevent you from using Twitter?
Is it wrong that I now want to watch The Commune just so I can copy the decor for my own house?
Is Michael Edits up there trying to be funny?